
 筆譯翻譯案例     |      2007-10-31 21:41:38





Jasmine Tea: Millennium Companion with Life-long Fragrance   




In July, the height of summer, China Business News released a brush of jade green: a graceful, peaceful and beautiful lady companied by an even nobler “Jasmine Fairy Maiden” with a line saying “A woman drinking jasmine tea must be: pretty”, which conveyed a message: it was an advertisement for jasmine tea.


There has been a Thousands of years history history for the tea species of jasmine tea, which become all the rage in the dynasty of Yuan and which was crowned with the good reputation as “King of scented tea” then. However, for the past century, it seemed that it was just boiled in a pot of warm water, neither hot nor cold, which just liked a lonely noble.

【同期聲】研成控股董事局主席 研成

[Corresponding period sound]    

Chairman of the Board of Yancheng Holding Group    

Yao Yancheng


00:20 The nature and high value of this specie of tea is able to carry beautiful thing to human beings。That is the high-cultural value which, however, has gradually been neglected.




At present on the market, there are more than 100 jasmine-related food products; however, the cheapest one is still the jasmine tea: you can buy 1kg jasmine tea for only 50 Yuan. However, this time, if you want to take “Jasmine Fairy Maiden” home, you have to pay 1,573 Yuan; why jasmine tea comes back with such a high-sounding gesture this time? 

【同期聲】研成控股董事局主席 姚研成

[Corresponding period sound]    

Chairman of the Board of Yancheng Holding Institute   

Yao Yancheng


01:40 After a long-term study, we has found that the quality value of this species of tea is very high, which can not only be made very well in China but also can go further in the international market. 



姚研成說,做這款茶隻有一個(gè)想法:用最好的花和最好的茶,做出世界上最好 的一款茉莉花茶。1573,隻是一個(gè)有形的定價(jià),這款茶葉,在文化上,在曆史上,在包裝的創(chuàng)意上,還有很多無(wú)法用價(jià)格考量的內(nèi)涵,為了讓這些回歸,在過去五年,投資1000多萬(wàn)美元打造這款產(chǎn)品。

Yao Yancheng said that, there is only one thought to make this species of tea: to make the best jasmine tea in the world. 1,573 is only just a visible pricing; however, for this species of tea, there are still many connotations unable to be calculated by pricesuch as in the aspects of culture, history and packing creativity; to resume these valuable elements, in the past five years, more than 10 million USD has been invested to develop this product.

【同期聲】研城控股董事局 姚研成

[Corresponding period sound]   

Chairman of the Board of Yancheng Holding Institute   

Yao Yancheng

5300我們希望它是品牌的做到第一, 這個(gè)第一的含量,就是它的美譽(yù)度是第一,它的銷售額是第一,它的利潤(rùn)率是第一,它的市場(chǎng)的占有率也是第一。

53:00 We hope that the brand can rank first in the world: first for fine reputation, first for sales volume, first for profit rate, and first for market share.




Towards this goal, the Yancheng team has marched on a road of persistent pursuit: they had climbed the high mountain in Saigon of Vietnam; they had been to Indian temples with flower fragrance surrounded; they had attended the Jasmine Festival in Hengxian of Guangxi province…… 


At last, on a costal peninsula in Fujian, they found this land of tea garden, which is basked in water mist throughout the whole year. After many times’ textual researches, It is found out that this several hundred acres of garden is exactly the main tea production area for Fujian people to make jasmine tea in a thousand years ago: the tea’s leaf cell structure is evenly distributed and its fiber is elastic, both of which are fit to absorb flower fragrance and, therefore, these jasmine tea is the rare top grade product. However, for the past century, because of the wane of jasmine tea, the tea here has not been used to produce jasmine tea any more……

在找茶的同時(shí),科研 人員也在跋山涉水地找花。

The scientific research personnel also made an arduous journey to look for flowers meanwhile when they looked for tea.


One year later, they finally found this land of jasmine garden in a remote mountain area 350 kilometers away from the tea garden. One thousand years ago, jasmine sailed across the ocean from Persia to China and it flourished exactly on this land. Right now, the flowers bloomed here still bear the sweetest fragrance.


Right now, when the best tea and best flower have already been prepared, another cruel fact rises ruthlessly:


The tea is picked in April, but the flower blooms in August: when the tea ripens, the flower does not even have a bud. Then should all the efforts be wasted like this?

查古書、找資料、訪專家……在大家日以繼夜 地努力下,終於吃下了定心丸:在古代,茶葉就是要等上四個(gè)月才能見到花的!隻是,等待要付出巨大的 代價(jià):不是每一片葉子都能等到最後,留下來的一定是最堅(jiān)韌、最優(yōu)秀、不到總量十分之一的葉片!

Consult the ancient books, look for information, and visit the experts…after the efforts from dawn till dark, they finally reassured: in the ancient time, the tea should have to wait for 4 months for the flowers; however, it cost too much for waiting: not each leaf could stand up to wait at the end and the left ones must have been the toughest and best ones, which were not more than one tenth of the total.


Four month later, in this garden, the jasmine trees covered with buds are going to bloom.


[Corresponding period sound]    Tea grower


Only under the strongest sunshine and the highest temperature can the flower in bud at the last moment for blossom be picked off; only under this condition can the flower naturally bloom during the process of tea making and then the fullest and thickest flower fragrance can be released.




When the flower comes and the carefully-reserved tea is taken out by the expert for tea making, the ancient tea-making process is applied: evenly spread out a layer of tea leafs with a layer of newly-picked flower buds covered upon, and then evenly spread out another layer of tea leafs upon the flower layer also with a layer of flowers covered upon…Until interacted with one or two hundred layers are blended together.


On the same night, under the constant temperature and humidity environment, all jasmine buds will open in full blossom in the hug of tea, which will fully absorb the flower fragrance. Four days later, the jasmine flowers will be separated and the tea leafs will be air-dried again for next blending with fresh flowers. Such a process will be carried about repeatedly up to 8 times and then the tea loaded with the jasmine fragrance will get a new-born life. And the process is also called as flower scenting (yin, the fourth tones of Chinese characters).


From January to August, more than 200 days are gone through. In the Southern Song Dynasty, that is, one thousand years ago, the top-grade jasmine tea is made in this way.


[Display] Picture to brew jasmine tea with music played




When the ready-made jasmine tea is sent to the homes, it is sent to the most particular tea experts. When the flower and tea fragrance are blended in water, it becomes the most tempting throbbing for the taste bug and the feedback information can only be summarized as one word: excellent! When people are tasting tea, they are not only tasting the beautiful love but also experiencing a blending to retrospect history and span across time & space.


   Such kind of jasmine tea, how to draw and make a perfect “bridal dress” for it?


[On-site sound] Yao Yancheng is guiding how to make the China bottle


It might feel like this….. (General idea)




More often than not, it will meet many setbacks when a concept is turned into reality. It took a long time up to 3 years to make the China bottle for the “Jasmine Fairy Maiden” from the design to the mould fabrication and from the proofing to the sample making.


【同期聲】研成控股董事局主席 姚研成

[Corresponding period sound]   

Chairman of the Board of Yancheng Holding Institute   

Yao Yancheng

3010這是一種很柔美的,很柔美的帽子,東方人很聰明,對(duì)不對(duì),這設(shè)計(jì)你看,這樣抱著肯定很笨拙的,但是讓全世界人知道,這很聰明的中國(guó)人,這是一個(gè)扳手,很聰明 拿這裏一扳手卡這裏花看這裏,打開了 。

30:00 This is a kind of very mellow hat; the oriental are very smart, right? Please look at this design; if you hold it like this, it should be clumsy; however, to make people around the world know that Chinese are very intelligent, please look at the handle, which is very smart: hold the handle and the hand will be stuck here and look at here, “Bang” it is opened. 




The shape-making for the “Jasmine Fairy Maiden” has gone through more than 60 times for sample making: all the aspects of height, shortness, fatness, thinness, elegance, rhythm, demeanor and gesture have suffered from the most demanding choosiness. A 21 days’ tight and close cooperation among 2 die makers, 3 washing water experts, 12 coloring experts and 4 warming up experts can only make one sample.

【同期聲】工藝美術(shù)大師 謝華

[Corresponding period sound]  

Arts and crafts mater 

Xie Hua

  這個(gè)茉莉花罐 它的工藝是很複雜的 我們的雕花師傅 ,對(duì)茉莉花的認(rèn)識(shí)和感情 都是不一樣的,所以做出來的每一朵茉莉花 都是有它的獨(dú)特性 我們出產(chǎn)的茉莉花罐 每一個(gè)都是不一樣的 也是獨(dú)一無(wú)二的 。(大意)

The process for this jasmine tea bottle is rather complicated. Our carving masters have different knowledge and emotion towards the jasmine tea; therefore, each jasmine flower has its specialty and all of our jasmine tea bottles are different from each other, which, actually, are unique. (General idea)




From the blossom to the tea, till the combination of tea and flower,, this species of tea is doomed to be tightly connected with one word: love. Yao Yancheng has named the first type of tea as: “Jasmine Fairy Maiden” to devote to the people in love.

【同期聲】研成控股機(jī)構(gòu)董事局主席 姚研成

[Corresponding period sound]    

Chairman of the Board of Yancheng Holding Institute   

Yao Yancheng

5530簡(jiǎn)直就是一個(gè)男人 用他長(zhǎng)長(zhǎng)的雙臂 輕輕的摟著 自己心愛的女人 保護(hù)著她 把她摟在自己的胸前,那種溫柔的體貼的感覺,我要一生一世的愛你 我要伴你終生的那種感覺。

55:30 It is simply just like a man who gently hugs his beloved woman with his long arms to protect her: the gentle and loving feeling to hug her in front of his chest and the feeling that I am eager to love you forever and I want to stay with you forever.




On the packing, the pure love is interpreted as: “the affairs of human life are noisy and showy; it is the stream of fragrance that takes my soul home; the moment I saw you I have understood that my whole life is to wait for you.” The interpretation attracted many people at once: the calls for cooperation enquiry and placing order never stopped; some even were attracted by its appearance and hoped to buy a beautiful bottle. Xie Wei, CEO of Yancheng Holding Institute, said, every one liked it when they had seen it, which was the first goal for them to develop this product:  excellent product should be matched with an eternally inheritable packing to become a symbol for people’s life.

【同期聲】研成控股總裁 謝偉

[Corresponding period sound]   

CEO of the Board of Yancheng Holding Institute   

Xie Wei

為了打造好這款世界級(jí)的產(chǎn)品 研成公司在前期投入了巨額的研發(fā)費(fèi)用 以保證我們產(chǎn)品的安全性和我們的市場(chǎng)可行性 使我們的產(chǎn)品做到極致 讓我們的產(chǎn)品走的更好,走的更遠(yuǎn)。

To develop this world-class product, Yancheng Company has spent huge research and development costs in the initial stage of product development to make sure the safety and market feasibility of our product, to perfect our product and to make our product go better & further.




Xie Wei said, if this product was to deliver love, then the exact positioning of it she thought might be “cosset”. “Cosset” is unconditional lov